Our estate planning service looks at the different ways to help you plan for your future and considers:
Your Will
We can review and update yours and your family’s Wills. If you don’t have a Will we can explain why having one is important and what the rules of intestacy are if you die without a Will. We will also guide you as to what elements you should include in the Will and how often you should review and update it. Further information about our Will service can be found here.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
At the same time as making or updating your Will, we would also suggest you consider creating Lasting Power of Attorney documents (LPAs). These are legal documents that enable you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf, should you have an accident or lose your mental capacity. We can advise on both types of LPA, the Property and Financial Affairs LPA and the Health and Welfare LPA. More information on our LPA support can be found here.
We have extensive knowledge of all aspects of Trusts and can advise on whether they are a practical solution for you and your family and if so, what type of Trust would be best for your circumstances. We are experienced in all aspects of Trust tax and accounting and work with Trustees to set up and administer the Trusts. More details can be found here.
Inheritance Tax Liabilities
The Inheritance Tax (IHT) threshold is currently £325,000 and covers the value of the deceased’s property, savings, and assets. This means that a lot of families face large IHT bills when a loved one dies. However, with our in-depth knowledge of the tax system and some forward planning, we can identify ways to legitimately keep future IHT liabilities to a minimum. See our IHT web page for more details.
Your Bespoke Estate Planning Report
To help you plan for yours and your family’s future, we will discuss the above points and in doing so will create an estate planning report which is tailored specifically to your needs and your objectives. Our report will set out the practical steps you should take, and we will help you implement this plan and review it on a regular basis to ensure it is still fit for purpose.